Monday, July 21, 2008


plans before leaving jakarta:

1. last shooting on wednesday
2. nagih gaji dari para bos
3. take my dog to the doctor
4. catch up with friends
5. spend time w/ grandparents
6. spend time w/ parents (this translates to: berbaik-baik utk menebus dosa pulang pagi terus)
7. ambil batre laptop
8. salon, manicure, pedicure, eyelash curl (if only this could be done in 5 minutes.......)
9. look for internship programs
10. prepare master application materials
11. look for inspiration n actually start writing
12. reduce smoking
13. cari bahan utk bikin dress santai
14. Submit polaroid to KONFIDEN film festival
15. go for a massage
16. clubbing/lounging/cafeing/something of some sort...
17. buy dvds
18. watch movies in the cinema
19. learn to make banana cake at oma's house
20. go to loka in kemang (cus i haven't been there)
21. nyobain perosotan yg gosipnya seru di FX

2 comments: said...

1. last shooting on wednesday
2. nagih gaji dari para bos
3. take my dog to the doctor
4. catch up with friends
5. spend time w/ grandparents
6. spend time w/ parents (this translates to: berbaik-baik utk menebus dosa pulang pagi terus)
7. ambil batre laptop
8. salon, manicure, pedicure, eyelash curl (if only this could be done in 5 minutes.......)
9. look for internship programs
10. prepare master application materials
11. look for inspiration n actually start writing
12. reduce smoking
13. cari bahan utk bikin dress santai
14. Submit polaroid to KONFIDEN film festival
15. go for a massage
16. clubbing/lounging/cafeing/something of some sort...
17. buy dvds
18. watch movies in the cinema
19. learn to make banana cake at oma's house
20. go to loka in kemang (cus i haven't been there)
21. nyobain perosotan yg gosipnya seru di FX

can we do #4, #8, #12, #13, #16 (cafeing at loewy?) and #20??? hahahha.... btw, its quite a long list dan pada perintilan... lo pulang kapan sih bo? nonton besok mau? u din let me know about today... jadi nonton?

RIOP said...

heh! nonton batman besok yuk bareng anak2! gua mau #12, #16, #18, #20, #21