Thursday, July 31, 2008

global warming

pengen ikutan bodyshop documentary competition di jakarta tapi gak bisa secara gw udah balik. temanya boleh pilih salah satu, ttg domestic violence, global warming, dan HIV/AIDS. if i have a chance to enter this competition, i would choose the global warming topic. i just hate the fact that literally almost EVERYONE in jakarta burn rubbish as a way to destroy it. not only does it contribute to global warming, but rubbish burning clogs up our lungs! aaaargh i just hate it. i also think that indonesia should impose a new rule that limits 2-3 cars per family. some people just have too many cars. plus the mega-pollution-fuelled kopaja and metromini needs to be re-designed to be more environmentally friendly..and people friendly too.

anyhow, back in a land downunda... it's freezing cold here, im curled up under the blanket with a dvd. laper nih, tapi klo nyemil takut ga bisa stop haha.

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